I’m a language scientist. No, really, I’m a research scientist that works on language. Specifically, issues in language learning, language processing, language aptitude, and other topics.
This blog is a place for me to share my informal thoughts on language and language science, and a place to share ideas and resources for data analysis and reproducible research.
I work for a state university and my paychecks are funded 100% by contract money from the federal government. In terms of this blog, this means a few things. First, if you’re an American taxpayer, thanks for footing the bill for my day job! If it makes you feel any better, most of our research goes directly to increasing efficiency and effectiveness, so ultimately we probably end up saving the taxpayer money, but still, thanks! Second, none of the content on this site is paid for by the government (it’s on my own time and my own machine), and none of the content represents any endorsement or opinions of the state or federal government.
In other words, I see this site as a way for me to share things I learn and think about which are obviously related to my professional life, but the blog is a personal thing, and does not represent my employer, or the state or federal governments.
Hope you enjoy!